Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Vacation woes

Ever have one of those trips where it just feels like the world/universe is trying to tell you something? First, massive downpour delays the flight home. Then, my car died in the cold while I was gone, and the charger/jumpstarter I bought needs 24 hours to recharge (I've had similar woes before, always in places I can't get a charger on the vehicle, so I sprang for the big one that can serve as a backup battery and has a light and compressor and stuff)

Otherwise, Orlando was decent other than too much family for too long. Swam, ate, visited Kennedy Space Center again and Downtown Disney and did some hiking and whatnot.

Expect to see more of THE MOON MARINES on some Sci-Fi Friday once I've gotten around to drawing them some more, definitely going to be on a space kick for a while.

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