Friday, March 21, 2014

More Milestones

Not only have I gotten my first full and proper Job (not a summer job, not being an extra set of hands and a strong back at the family business, but a job that I hope will last for a significant span of time), but today I just completed my first fully solo car repair. I've worked on the family cars for ages, doing things like brake jobs and such, but those aren't significant enough to count. Today, I swapped the brake power booster on my car. My car is incredibly tiny, and doing so requires basically tearing out the entire steering column. I'm fairly certain that when they built this thing, it went base frame, power brake booster, everything else.

Now if only that had solved the problem I was trying to fix. I think the new master cylinder we had put in (we fixed basically every possible part of the brake system except the power brake booster, and what it was doing sounded like a power brake booster issue) might be bad, or might not have one of the lines on tight enough, or something.

Still, feels good to do something moderately extensive entirely solo.


  1. Prolly missed a teeny, tiny bubble when you bench bled the new master.

    1. We've bled the thing so many times. It gets all the way to being perfect, and then slowly gets worse. Once it has time to do whatever, presumably get air in, the brakes always work perfectly if you stomp, but sustained braking causes the pedal to slowly sink towards the floor. The very bottom of the range (maximum braking) always works. There has to be either a loose connection someplace still, or a pinhole leak that isn't leaving puddles while the thing isn't actively being used, because air is getting in somehow.

      On the plus side, both the old master cylinder and the old brake power booster had significant amounts of corrosion and rust on them, and if they weren't the cause of the problem yet, that would have changed before much longer.
